Chris Brandalino called for Lake Effect snow. So last night it started snowing… and it didn’t stop. And as my 78 year old father says, “When I was young we didn’t have Lake Effect snow, we just had snow.”
This morning we watched as the morning news as more and more schools began to list which school district was delayed an hour and which schools were closed. As usual our school district, LaFayette wasn’t listed. As more and more schools continued to be added to the rolling script on the bottom of the tv screen, our spirits rose. Then at 5:40 am we saw what we’ve been waiting for, “Lafayette Central Schools Closed”. Yea!
So after our morning Maypo, the kids were ready with their snow-pants and sleds and I got my hat and gloves on and headed outside to shovel us out.
One of the reasons why Onondaga is so special is that everyone helps each other. So before I even shoveled up the car, a truck with a couple of guys showed up in their pickup. Soon they were plowing out my neighbor’s driveway and mine too! They have been out helping others all morning.
After they waved see-ya, I heard them start plowing my sister’s driveway. What nice guys.