The very nature of our traditional life stems from process and protocol, there is order for everything that we do, even in our quietest moments we still are giving thanks, for another day, or our families, or a beautiful night, the equally important things that we may momentarily overlook, as we move about in our busy lives. Order is not a burden, or a task, it is the natural flow of life which is generated by all living things, each doing what they should, at the right time, As the sun rises, darkness fades, as the sun sets the light of the day wanes to dusk, as it should in the process and protocol of the natural world. Disorder is the product of conflict, which is strictly a human trait, disrupts the natural flow of life, sapping the life forces of our peaceful existence, the fragile balance between order and disorder is but a, misguided or misconstrued word or gesture away, the resolution of which, may be amicable or possibly deadly if allowed to fester. The path to peace is paved with constant vigilance and protocol, we look each other in the eye and smile and greet each other like friends, we offer assistance even when none is needed, we make no judgments of others, only ourselves, being equally careful not to destroy our own self esteem, and most of all we do not spread fear amongst the young and old, supporting and protecting that of which we once were and what we all may be, here in the late spring moon of OHYAIHGÓ∙NAH.