This week has been great week. Giahwihyoh (The Good Message) came to Onondaga!
Giahwihyoh was given to the Haudenosaunee at a time of great turmoil. Two wars had just played out in our lands (French & Indian War and American Revolution), the Sullivan Campaign had just ravaged Haudenosaunee villages, NYS and land speculators began claiming our homelands, alcohol was disrupting family life, the population of our people was down approximately 90%, and a there was a wonderment of what is going to happen next. Then this message arrives and it provides the Haudenosaunee direction and hope.
So for more than 200 years, speakers have been reciting the message given to Seneca chief Handsome Lake. His message told the people to return to the longhouse ceremonies and gave guidelines how to live in this new era of living with our white brothers.
So the Onondaga Nation was honored to host Giahwihyoh and Haudenosaunee people from all across the state and Canada came to hear the message. It was good to see so many people come and share in listening of the message, see our visitor’s outfits, dance to their songs, and continue to spread the message of Giahwihyoh.
And as you can see, it was hard to find a parking space.