“Arthroscopy allows the orthopedic surgeon to insert a pencil-thin device with a small lens and lighting system into tiny incisions to look inside the joint. The images inside the joint are relayed to a TV monitor, allowing the doctor to make a diagnosis. Other surgical instruments can be inserted to make repairs, based on what is with the arthroscope. Arthroscopy often can be done on an outpatient basis.”
After my doctor and I discussed my options after physical therapy for my shoulder, I looked up what it meant. It all seemed ok but the couple of weeks after the surgery were extremely painful.
I scheduled the surgery at the end of December to allow for maximum recovery time. But life is full of surprises as in early January; it was time for Midwinter ceremonies.
Being still in recovery mode, sometimes I wasn’t able to participate like I have in the past. But being there makes you feel so refreshed and ready to start the year with a good mind.
But truth be told, and don’t tell my doctor, I took off sling a couple of times to dance. Just couldn’t resist.
So here it is in February and physical therapy is still a part of my life but I am getting better, feels good to be able to raise my arm, put on my coat, type, brush my hair, and dance (guilt-free).