This past weekend was the LaFayette lacrosse alumni game. It was great to see old friends as we strapped on the pads Saturday. There were 3 of us from my senior class; Chris Volan, Lars Tiffany, and Jacob Lazore. Chris traveled from Maine to play, Jacob informed us that he’s going to be inducted into the Nazareth Hall of Fame this fall, and Lars (the Head Coach at Brown University) spent the afternoon trying his best to slash all of us. Our most alumni player was Tom Scoffield, class of 1967. He was a member of the LaFayette lacrosse team that recorded a 47 game undefeated streak and his team was inducted into the Central New York Hall of Fame. Tom played goalie then, and did on Saturday and he made some great saves. We didnt keep score. We didnt have too. We were too busy laughing and having fun on the field, which I discovered, seems to have stretched quite a bit since high school.