Today Onondaga men, women and children participate in all kinds of sports throughout the seasons.
Many of our people play softball, golf, cross country, volleyball, hockey, broom ball, and lacrosse on the Nation and through teams located around us. Our local lacrosse team is called the Redhawks. Teams begin from the ages of 4 and continue through the adulthood. Lacrosse games is a major draw for everyone to come to Tsha Hoñnoñyeñdakwha to watch a the game. Most Onondaga adolescents attend LaFayette High School in LaFayette NY where they showcase their skills in lacrosse, softball, volleyball, football, cross-country, soccer, wresting and basketball.
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– The most recognizable sport with the Onondaga and the Haudenosaunee is Lacrosse.
– The game of Snowsnake is a Haudenosaunee winter game.
– The ancient game of Longball is a summer sport of the Onondagas.