In light of the ongoing brutality being inflicted upon the Water Protectors at the Standing Rock Camp in North Dakota we are asking that everyone come together in solidarity and march with us from the Onondaga Nation (central fire) to the city of Syracuse to build awareness of what is happening to our brothers and sisters on the frontlines of the protest against the Dakota Access Pipe Line.
Recently, many of us have seen the photos of the water protectors in the midst of being arrested, pepper sprayed, shot with projectiles, and other violations that have caused injury and mental anguish to those on the frontline. Furthermore, supplies to the camp were seized by local authorities, including many important medical supplies that were greatly needed.
Although these images and information are extremely troubling, we have to keep in mind that the only way that this fight can we won is through the ongoing pursuit of peaceful resistance. Our action is through our perservance, our solidarity, and our SHEER NUMBERS.
That’s why we are asking you, all of you, to walk alongside of us on November 12, and let it be known that you will not stand for non-violent, unarmed people being brutalized; that you will not turn the other cheek while corporate greed is (again) being allowed to destroy our land and water without our consent; that even though you are hundreds of miles away, you are in unity with our relatives at Standing Rock.
We want this to be a momentous occasion, and ask everyone to invite friends, family, and whoever else wants to march with us in peace and solidarity.
The bigger the march, the bigger the message.Facebook