Onondaga Nation School
The annual Onondaga Nation School Academic Fair took place on Thursday, May 7th . Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade participated. The focus for each grade was:
Kindergarten – favorite animals
1st grade – hobbies
2nd grade – rainforest animals
3rd grade – student initiated
4th grade – favorite author
5th grade – one of the 50 states of America
6th grade – topics within their curriculum
7th and 8th grade – tessellations and historically significant people.
The students worked very hard and were quite adept at the process of assembling factual information from multiple sources. The students skillfully displayed their information on a project board and created an informative handout to share about their subject. Although the process is difficult and time consuming, the result is very rewarding. All the projects were very well done!
Early in the day, distinguished members from the Onondaga Nation, Lafayette School District (past and present), Syracuse University and the Syracuse business communities served as judges for the Academic Fair. They heard the students present their projects and respond to questions concerning their findings. The judges completed a rubric for each student project. The results of the rubric measured the student’s accomplishments. There were many highlights of this year’s Academic Fair. In the evening many parents, family members and teachers viewed their students’ project.
Congratulations to all the student participants! Nyawenha to everyone for all of their support!
– Onondaga Nation School Academic Fair Committee