Wadeñh nwa’ aweñha
ONS News
Saturday November 14th, teachers and staff held the 3rd annual ONS Educational Share Conference. The goal of the conference was to provide area teachers correct information and materials which teachers could take back to their classrooms and share with their students. This year’s conference, like the previous two, were claimed a success. The 2009 Conference hosted 39 teachers, our largest to date, and a teacher from Homer Elementary who has attended all three conferences!
When asked about the conference, the Educational Share founder and organizer Brad Powless praised of the staff for again putting on a great conference.
“When the staff met in the fall, I asked if they wanted to do the conference again. The ONS staff responded with a great variety of presentations and many volunteers to make it run very smoothly. Without the efforts of the staff, this conference could not take place.”
The visitors who came to the conference loved the presentations from Haudenosaunee 101 to Matrilineal System. A lot of new material was covered and shared and great questions were fielded by the presenters. Many teachers came away with statements written on their conference evaluation forms as, “I can’t wait to use this information in my 4th grade class” or “I wish this conference was longer, it was hard to decide what classes to take.”
As the guest teachers left ONS with pamphlets and new information in hand for their classrooms, laughs and discussions could be heard echoing through the school, a few teachers said that they are already looking forward to next year’s conference. It looks as though the ONS staff will have to make next year’s 2010 conference just as memorable.