Join the Onondaga Nation and the Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation for a Music festival to support the fight against Fracking. The Water is Life fesitval wil be on Saturday, September 15th at the Onondaga Nation ballfield, located on Rt 11A.
FREE ADMISSION – Good Food – Native Arts & Crafts – Drug & Alcohol Free – Bring your own lawn chairs.
11:15 AM D.R.E.A.M. Freedom Revival
12:45 PM The Gunrunners
2:15 PM Colleen Kattau and Some Guys
3:45 PM Joe Driscoll
5:30 PM Corn-Bred
7:00 PM Thousands of One
8:30 PM The Fabulous Ripcords
Sandra Steingraber
Nadia Steinzor (Earthworks Oil & Gas Accountability Project)
Oren Lyons
Carol French & Carolyn Knapp (PA landowners)
Wes Gillingham (Catskill Mountainkeepers & NYers Against Fracking)
Michael Gorr (Shaleshock CNY)
Joseph Heath
Sarah Eckel (Citizens Campaign for the Environment)
Renee Vogelsang (Frack Action & NYers Against Fracking)
and more TBA!
For more information contact the Onondaga Nation Communications Office 315-492-1922
And check out the event on Facebook