On June 10, 2013, and the Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) Postal Ballot of May 10, 2013 has closed for the 28 full voting membership nations. There have been a number of inquiries about the results of the balloting. I have not received any notification from Mr. Larry Berger, a ballot collection security representative selected by the FIL BOD nor from the FIL executive board. We are waiting for a reply to a communique that was forwarded onto Mr. Berger this morning requesting a notification of balloting results. We will keep the public posted with the details and the transparency of the balloting process as we receive information.
The FIL Postal Ballot did not represent the intent of our original ballot request for a simple majority support of the membership for the inclusion of a modest and equitable accommodation clause to a competition handbook. Instead, a rejection to the ballot was the only viable means to establish of a consensus forum to hear and create a fair solution to our competition controversy.
The Haudenosaunee Iroquois Nationals would like to extend a “Niawenha-Thank You” to all of the Member Nations, Colleagues, and Friends for your continued support toward building a system of transparency, clarity, and resolution as a standard for all international lacrosse matters, in particular the current World Lacrosse Championships in 2014 – Blue Division lacrosse competition dilemma.
The Iroquois Nationals Board of Directors and the Haudenosaunee citizens join me in sending you our gratitude and Niawenha for your heartfelt, open and public letters of support. Done:toh.
Denise Waterman, Executive Director
Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse