At the last Grand Council meeting at the Onondaga Longhouse, the Council announced its support for the 2013 Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign.
The Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign is an initiative created by the Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) to promote the covenants of the 1613 Treaty between the Haudenosaunee and the Dutch. One of these covenants is that we treat each other as equals, like Brothers. It is in this spirit that NOON reached out to work with the Haudenosaunee on the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign.
“This is considered the Grandfather of the treaties between us and our White Brothers,” explained Chief Jake Edwards. “The Dutch recognized that our social and political systems were well established and considered us equals. The Haudenosaunee still see this treaty as alive because the sun continues to rise in the east and set in the west. We still consider governments such as the United States as our Brothers.”
Paddling to New York City is an important facet of the Two Row Wampum Renewal. When the Haudenosaunee and Dutch met, there were significant differences between the two peoples. Despite these challenges of language, worship, governance, and culture, these two peoples forged an agreement of Peace and Friendship that would last as long as the waters run downhill, the grass grows green, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Each people would carry their ways with them; one in a ship, one in a canoe as they travel down the river of life side-by-side.
“The paddling trip will leave Albany on July 28 and arrive in New York City on August, bringing to life the principles of the Two Row,” said Andy Mager of NOON. “A row of Haudenosaunee and other native paddlers will travel side-by-side with a row of allies. Some people will paddle the full route; others will come for one or several days.”
Along the way, the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign is planning a series of stops where people can learn about the Haudenosaunee and the Two Row Wampum.
“We can learn a lot from what happened with the Two Row Wampum,” added Chief Jake Edwards. “We hope to continue the lessons of peace and friendship. The Renewal Campaign will go a long way in making that happen.”
To learn more about how you can be a part of the Two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign, please visit their official website or contact Andy Mager, (315) 701-1592 or Hickory Edwards (315) 775-7548.