Onondaga Nation- It has been reported that the Onondaga Nation Athletic Club (AC) Field has 3 new softball fields that will be ready for play in the spring. But many have wondered why is there still construction sill occurring? The answer is, more major renovations.
“Once the Tsha’Thonswatha (the fire barn) is completed, we can utilize the space for more community centered activities,” said Tadodaho Sidney Hill.
Part of the renovation process will be to remove the current fire barn and outdoor box as the old Green Corn dance stage has already been removed.
“With the fire barn and box removed, we will now have space for a much needed youth center,” added Tadodaho.
The center, yet to be named, will be a place where our youth of all ages can come to play basketball, volleyball, or run on an indoor track. The facility will also have space for studying, exercise or dance classes, crafting, and cooking.
“Evelyn Powless and I conducted a survey of our youth at the Nation school and our youth who participate in our Youth Group Programs about two years ago,” added council member Brad Powless. “It was through their guidance that we were able to decide what this building needed.”
Lacrosse players and fans need not to worry as well. With the eminent removal of the current box, a new road was constructed to lead people around the proposed youth center and softball fields to the far end of the AC field where the new box will be constructed.
In order for that to occur, Hemlock Creek needed some work.
“We needed to remediate the crick shoreline,” stated council member Shannon Booth. “We looked into many possible solutions and we selected one that will prevent erosion and flooding, but still allow access to the water for the animals and people. To our surprise when the shoreline was fixed, we gained a lot more room for the lacrosse box than we initially anticipated.”
While no date has been set for the beginning of construction for the new Youth Center and Box, everyone is looking forward to its completion.
“When it’s all done, we are going to an awesome athletic complex right in the middle of the village for the Nation,” stated Tadodaho.
“It is already so nice up there,” added Shannon Booth. “Let’s have everyone keep this place beautiful by staying off the fields and keeping care of the buildings when they’re completed. This will be great for many generations to come.”