In a private meeting with President Evo Morales, the Haudenosaunee delegation discussed climate change, the Two Row, and Bolivia’s land dispute with the Chile.
The delegation was attending the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Defense of Life at the invitation of the Bolivian government. While at the conference, the delegation asked to meet with President Morales. The Haudenosaunee has had good relations with Bolivia over the years with Mohawk delegations attending meetings in 2006 and 2010.
The President graciously agreed to meet during his busy schedule on the final day of the conference in Cochabamba. Bolivia. The President met the delegation along with his Minister of the Presidency and the Minister of Finance.
He welcomed the delegation graciously and expressed his gratitude of the Haudenosaunee support over the years.
Mohawk Chief Howard Thompson gave a traditional welcome bringing greetings from our Chiefs, Clanmothers, Faithkeepers, men, women and children to their leadership and people. Kenneth Deer, Mohawk, gave an explanation of the Haudenosaunee, using the Confederacy Seal on the cover of our passports, illustrating the Great Law of Peace with the Tree of Peace, the weapons buried under the tree, and the fifty Chiefs protecting the People and the Peace. He mentioned that two of those fifty Chiefs were right there in Tadodaho Sid Hill and Onerekowa Howard Thompson.
Tadodaho then presented President Morales with an artwork with the Tree of Peace and Chief Thompson presented a Haudenosaunee flag. While holding the flag, Deer gave an explanation of the Two Row Wampum, using a replica as an example.
Thompson thanked Morales for his stance on Climate Change and their position and ours were very similar. President Morales was grateful for the gifts and he asked the Haudenosaunee for its support in its land dispute with Chile which will be going the World Court and presented the delegation with some documents.
In closing the delegation suggested that President Morales visit the Haudenosaunee territory when he is in North America. While the meeting was private, the media was allowed in towards the end of the meeting for a photo shoot.
A follow-up to this meeting will be discussed at the next Grand Council meeting.