by Tsadeyohdi
The 2015 Annual Harvest Dinner held on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at the Onondaga Nation School received a record breaking 750+ guests. Families, Elders, community members, Nation leaders, and school district personnel came to feast once again at the Tuesday dinner just before the Thanksgiving holiday.
The Onondaga Nation School is proud to sponsor this wonderful community and school wide events. Each of the grade levels and special area classes selects a recipe to share during this thanksgiving time of the year.
The classrooms prepared an assortment of specialty dishes for the 2015 ONS Harvest Dinner. The dishes are: Prekindergarten – Pumpkin Fluff, Kindergarten – Criss Cross Salad, First Grade – Chocolate Pudding, Second Grade – Cranberry Sauce, Third Grade – Squash, Fourth Grade – Baked Beans, Fifth Grade – Corn Casserole, Sixth Grade – Apple Crisp, Seventh Grade – Corn Bread, and Eighth Grade/ Onondaga Language classes provided the Corn Soup These dishes complimented the main dish of turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, and green beans at this year’s Harvest Dinner.
This event also depends on the dedicated parents, grandparents, and community members who spend their morning preparing hot scoons for the ONS Harvest Dinner – a grand Nyaweñha is extended to each and every one of these ladies.
The Onondaga Nation School’s 2015 Annual Harvest Dinner was happy to have over 750 – 800 guests at this year’s event.
Ms. Ellsworth, Principal said, “It was delightfully amazing to have so many guests attend the 2015 ONS Harvest Dinner this year.” Ms. Freida Jacques said, “We look forward to the event planning for 800 guests at next year’s Harvest Dinner as it is so important to have the students, parents, grandparents, and extended families participate in our school wide events.”
Our traditional Haudenosaunee ways and customs acknowledge that greeting every day is a great day for giving thanks.