ONS Facebook -Afterschool on Friday, November 17, 2017, students in grades 5 – 8 were able to learn from three hunters, Mike Abrams, Marshall Abrams and Parker Booth. They are able to share with the students what they do to prepare sgeñneñdóñ’ (deer) after a successful hunt.
Mike Abrams gathered the students around the sgeñneñdóñ’. He described how important taking of a deer was to our community now, and long ago. The Onondagas would look at the deer’s antlers, when the deer has lost their “velvet” fur off their horns, it was time to go hunt.
“Most importantly,” said Mike Abrams to the ONS students gathered, “We must first give thanks to the deer for offering his life for us to carry on.”
Mike, his brother Marshall and Parker then continued to patiently show the students all of the steps needed. They carefully explained as they skinned the deer all the varied uses of each section of the deer. Many students have never taken part in this process and they had many questions along the way.
“This was a great opportunity for our children to observe an important skill,” said Dean of Students Simone Thornton. “Bringing the community back into the school is important for the students to realize the abundance of talent within the Nation.”