Nyaweñhah sgeñ·noñ’ swagwe·gih,
At this time as you may all be aware of; we have seen a significant rise in COVID-19 cases within our community. We are a small community here in Onondaga so what may seem like a small number to some is a very big deal to us when considering our history with foreign diseases. We would like to take this time and opportunity to try and unite our efforts to continue to make our community as safe as possible.
First and foremost, it is our way as oñgwehoñ·weh people to work together. With this in mind we need to remove the negative stigma from our neighbors, family, and friends when positive cases occur. This virus has no prejudice and is easily contracted in many different ways. Instead, we should all be of the same mind and show concern for our people and think to ourselves how can I help and stay safe as well. When cases do arise, we please ask that people share that they have tested positive. This is only so the necessary precautions can be put into place and help may be provided.
Within the nation we have traditional medicine people who have been working diligently to provide that support for our community and it would make their work easier if we were to work together with them by sharing that information. On top of that other help and support can be provided such as grocery drop off and more if we are to work together.
On our territory we are fortunate to have a very committed group of first responders and fire department. At this time, they too are asking for the community’s cooperation in providing information of people and households with positive cases. They are limited in the amount of PPE that is necessary for them to enter a home with a positive case so it is to everyone’s mutual benefit for them to know whether they need to use COVID-19 appropriate equipment or not. It is uncertain if they will have access to ample amounts of this equipment for the future so please take their needs into consideration to ensure everyone’s safety.
With the changing weather and looking at our neighboring communities around the greater Syracuse area as well as within our own community there is no doubt the amount of positive COVID-19 cases is trending upwards. We humbly ask everyone in the community to assess for themselves what they deem is a necessity as to limit our community’s exposure to this indiscriminate disease. We also ask that if you are not feeling well or have had any kind of direct or potential exposure to someone with the virus to please stay home. We must all work together to take every precaution we can to ensure the safety and future of our community. Let us please work together so that we may see our way through these trying times with the least amount of affect as possible.
~Onondaga Nation Council