Onondaga Nation – If you enter Gohahagehdeh’s 5th grade classroom at the Onondaga Nation School (ONS), often you will see students and her classroom library enjoying a good book. That is not by accident.
“I grew up with books and always have loved to read,” said Gohahagehdeh (JoAnne Powless). “I try to give my students that love too.”
That love of books led Gohahagehdeh to be a member of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Charlotte Huck Award Committee. The Charlotte Huck Award is given to children’s book authors who write books that have the potential to transform children’s lives through compassion, imagination, and wonder.
“When I submitted my application to join the Award committee I didn’t think I would be selected, They receive hundreds of applications every year” said Gohahagehdeh. “But when I received the acceptance letter, I was so excited to be a part of this process. What I didn’t know at the time is the amount of dedication this project required.”
Gohahagehdeh noted that about a month after she joined the committee the first box of books was left on her doorstep.
“That was very exciting! I took pictures and everything,” she laughs.
But everyday more and more boxes of books kept coming.
“At first, the UPS had trouble finding our house,” said Gohahagehdeh. “But by the second month of being on the committee, all of the drivers knew me. It started to feel like that scene in Harry Potter where the letters kept pouring in”
With the constant flow of books being dropped off and having to be read, stacks of books steadily began to grow in her house.
“That first year was a little tough,” said Gohahagehdeh. “It was very new and I didn’t have a system to find a specific book that I needed to review or discuss in the committee. My daughter was a great book hunter for me. By the third year, I had a pretty good system in place.”
Every fall, she travels to the NCTE conference where they announce the winners.
“Going to the conference has been a great experience,” said Gohahagehdeh. “Getting to learn great methods to use in the classroom as well as connect with authors. Some of the authors have even agreed to come to ONS to talk about their books with the students. Getting the students excited about reading and writing has been the fuel to keep me going.”
At the conclusion of each year, Gohahagehdeh held a book give away to the students of the Onondaga Nation School and the Tuscarora Nation School located near Niagara Falls, NY. She spends the weekend packing up all the books throughout the house and spends the night loading up her truck and organizing the books at ONS.
“This is the best benefit of the committee,” said Gohahagehdeh. “Watching the students being able to pick up a brand new book that excited them is amazing.”
Gohahadehdeh adds, “Then the kids always inevitably ask me, “Did you really read all these books!?’” .
This is Gohahagehdeh’s third and final year on being on the Charlotte Huck Committee.