The annual Onondaga Nation Trail Run (ONTR) will be returning again on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
The ONTR course starts next to the softball fields near Tsha’ Thoñ’nhnes. The course takes you into the woods with a few challenging hills. This year’s course will allow supporters to view the runners more often. Circling the ball field area then ascending the trail along the creek, which will then take you up the ‘mountain goat’ trail, and then to return to the START/FINISH line located at the outdoor pavilion.
Refreshments such as chili, corn soup and hot and cold drinks await the runners at the finish line.
All runners are welcome!
There will be a separate event for 3rd-5th graders as well!
Where: 3370 Rte. 11A Tsha’ Thoñ’hnes Onondaga Nation (OAC ball field)
When: Friday, November 23, 2018
Times: 10:00am 1-Mile /10:30am 5K.
Entry Fees: $3.00 1-mile / $18.00 5K
Registration Form: PDF
• 8:30am Welcoming and Registration
· Awards given to 1st place male & female finishers in both adult and 12‐U divisions
· Registration forms can be picked up at the . Tsha’ Thoñ’hnes or Nation Arena.
· Pre‐registration deadline: November 21st, 2018
· Walk ins welcome until 9:45
· For more information contact Race Director: Shirley Hill @ 315‐498-6813 shirley@wheretheyplaygames.com